Dream of Kerbela Ashura Islamic Interpretation


Dream of Kerbela Ashura Interpretation,Dream of Kerbela, Ashura meaning in dream Interpretation,newfatimablog.com,dream of karbala meaning,

Dream of Kerbela Ashura Interpretation

'Ashura meaning in dream: (10th day of Muharram; Anniversary of the martyrdom of Husain at

Kerbela.) If a descendent of the blessed family of God's Messenger, upon whom

be peace, sees himself on the day of 'Ashura in a dream, it means that he may

have to face an adversity. If anyone else sees that in a dream, it means the


Askance: (See Eyes)

Asphyxia: (See Strangulation; Suffocation)

'Alir: (arb. See Five times prayers)

Ass: (See Donkey)

Assassin: (See Thief)

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